Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The 30th Anniversary of Oscar Romero's Martyrdom

This video clip isn't a bad piece, but it was wholly inappropriate for Msgr. Fernando Saenz Lacalle to be commenting on Oscar Romero. He was like the antithesis of Romero during his tenure as archbishop.


Garpu said...

Sr. Julie's had a bunch of posts up about him lately... over here is one of them. :)

Joe said...

30 years! Where does the time go? Romero always seemed to have a special spot with both of us. It was probably Ruben Blades... "Suena las campanas un dos tres, por el Padre Antonio [Oscar] y su monaguillo Andrés..."

I don't know what to think anymore about saints and martyrs and the "processes" that identify them. What seems clear to me is that there are people who shed light and Romero certainly seemed to be one of them.

Peace Jeff! y un fuerte abrazo desde Madrid.


Jeff said...


That was a really nice piece. Does Sister Susan Rose go by Sister Julie?


Thirty years bud, isn't that something? Hard to believe...

"Suena las campanas un dos tres, por el Padre Antonio [Oscar] y su monaguillo Andrés..."


"Le gusta el rio, jugar al futbol y estar ausente."

Good days. Fun days, most of them.

If anyone rates being a saint, it's Romero. Santo Subito!

Garpu said...

Oh crap, no. Sr. Susan's the one blogging about Romero. Sr. Julie does another entirely different blog. (But also a cool one.)

God, I need sleep.