Hat Tip to The Ironic Catholic

Just wanted to take a moment to call attention to what I consider to be the funniest of the Catholic blogs, The Ironic Catholic. If you ever feel down, or need a laugh, or a moment of lightness when it comes to matters of the faith, that's the place to stop by.
I'd also like to thank her for being kind enough to declare me the winner (or co-winner) of a few of her frequent caption contests.
Caption Contest #32
Caption Contest #12
Here's an example of one of her helpful posts in these polarized times:
Conservative and Liberal Catholic Etiquette Tips Provided
Conservative Openings to Liberals
- Are you orthodox? I mean, really.
- What kind of heretic are you, anyway? Classic heretic or new age wingnut?
- To which degree do you bow before the Blessed Sacrament?
- I'll bet I can beat you at our Church's Catechism Bowl.
- Opus Dei is getting completely persecuted in the media.
- Let's talk liturgical music!
Liberal Openings to Conservatives
- Spit out that slave-trade coffee, you child-labor-loving freak.
- So, just how much do you hate women?
- I really love the blue advent vestments, don't you?
- Let me pull out my up-to-date poverty statistics pie charts to aid our opening prayer.
- I'd like to share the seven Catholic Social Teaching principles with you, since you obviously don't know them.
- My Jesuit professor said....
- Let's talk liturgical music!
My Jesuit professor said ... :-)
How is the house hunting going, Jeff?
Peace, Jeff. Hope you are well.
A good opening line for either side would be,
"So, liturgical dances..."
God bless!
Hi Crystal,
It's going well, but maybe we should wait on looking until we get all of our ducks in row here first. Otherwise, we get our hopes dashed too often. There were two builder's homes south of here that we had our eyes on, and one north of here. The one north of here would take an hour each way to get back and forth to work (on a good traffic day). Too far. One of the ones south of here was just perfect for us, but someone put an offer in that was accepted before we got a chance to do so. The thing is, we have a structural problem with the roof to take care of. About 12 years ago, we built an addition upstairs that was perpendicular to the main ridge beam of the roof. The trusses and the supports weren't built up enough to support that extra load. Now there's a little bit of a sag on the front roof, almost like you see on an old barn. We need to get that fixed, at the very least, before we can actually sell this place.
Hi Rashfriar,
"So, liturgical dances..."
Hahaha. Both sides could weigh in on mimes and clowns. :-)
Nice to see you. I urge everyone to check out Rashfriar's fine Franciscan-orinted reflections at:
Opus Dei is getting completely persecuted in the media. vs My Jesuit professor said...
Very funny.
For some reason, I suddenly remember singing "Let It Be" at mass in the 1970s. And "Bridge Over Troubled Water." They're just not writing good traditional Catholic hymns like those anymore.
Sagging house. Have you laid hands?
For some reason, I suddenly remember singing "Let It Be" at mass in the 1970s. And "Bridge Over Troubled Water." They're just not writing good traditional Catholic hymns like those anymore.
“Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water, put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea…”
Sagging house. Have you laid hands?
Laid hands? I don’t follow. Is that like Amish barn-raising? Now that I could use.
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