Monday, January 01, 2007


It's Easy, Be A Man by Norman Rockwell 1922

Do our New Year's resolutions usually get kept?

I need to get back in shape. Not like the kid in Rockwell's illustration, although it is a familiar theme that resonates with me. A couple of decades ago I gave up my intense but ultimately futile effort to change my somatotype from that of an ectomorph to that of an mesomorph... Now that I'm older and married and full of responsibilities I'm a lot more concerned about my cardiovascular condition instead. Weight training should be part of it, though. I need to stengthen my lower back, firm up the abdominals, and lose about 15-20 pounds. It's tough, getting into your forties...

Other thoughts for 2007?

I want to make sure I remember to do something especially kind for Anne every single day.

I'd like to get more actively back into Parish life, getting involved in a specific ministry that benefits the poor, elderly, or shut-ins directly.

I need to be more patient and attentive in dealing with my children. To curb the harshness that comes with being tired and irritable.

This is probably the year that I should knuckle down and start getting serious about getting that PMI Certification. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Speaking of Norman Rockwell... Crystal and I have been discussing lately some of the nicer holiday spots in New England, so here is where this two-SUV-owning economic populist goes further in revealing his true epicurian proclivities. :-)

Years ago, Anne reserved a weekend for her parents at the Inn On Covered Bridge Green in Arlington Vermont as an anniversary gift for them. Unfortunately her mother grew ill, and her parents were never able to make the trip (her mother passed away a few years later).

We discussed it one Spring a while back, and we decided it would be nice if we all went up there as a family, and took my father-in-law along with us. Anne called the folks at the Inn, and they agreed that the reservation and pre-payment were still valid, so up we went.

The building we stayed in at the Inn was actually Norman Rockwell's art studio from the years 1942 to 1954. In addition to being fascinating for its history, it's one of the most beautiful and peaceful places I've ever been. Tres expensive, but well worth it as an unforgettable family trip. Even though I love the ocean, and could never live far from it, Vermont is my favorite New England state to visit.


crystal said...


I've never been to Vermont - that studio and the grounds look beautiful.

I'm with you on the execise thing. I've just started again after a while of being a slug ... trying to do aerobic exercise for 30 mins a day, and weight training with dumbells three times a week. What are you planning to do?

crystal said...
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Jeff said...

Similar type of thing. I love to read, so I may as well read while working on the treadmill downstairs instead of sitting on my duff. Apart from that, some free weights or dumbells(high reps), and some basic calisthenics.

Steve Bogner said...

Exercise... thanks for the reminder. A few years ago my doctor recommended the same to me - I described my day and asked just where I'd fit in that exercise time? He said - sleep less. Ugh. And, no. Gotta be another way - I need my z's.

The best project managers I've worked with are the ones *without* PMI certifications!

A few months ago I started doing something a little special for my wife, a few times every week. A card, a note, text message, a phone call 'just because', some sort of little surprise a few times a week, and it has really made a big difference. My tip: go to a Hallmark or some sort of card store and load-up, then keep the stuff in your SUV (we have two, also) and in your briefcase/laptop bag so they are available as needed.

Jeff said...

Hi Steve,

Happy New Year!

The best project managers I've worked with are the ones *without* PMI certifications!

Ha! You know, I feel exactly the same way, but I figure that if I ever get laid off, it wouldn't hurt to have it on my resume.

Great tips on the cards and such! Good to have those ready for those Quincy Jones "Send her roses, just because" types of moments. Good advice, Steve. Thanks. :-)