He has no way of knowing whether or not Martin Luther King was a Christian, but he's sure that Adolf Hitler was.
I'm sure everyone has heard about how Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are urging UK human rights lawyers to
have Pope Benedict arrested for "crimes against humanity" when he arrives for an official visit in September.
I remember the first time I saw Christopher Hitchens on TV several years ago. I forget what the topic of the program was but the ex-Marxist made my jaw drop when he drolly remarked that "Mother Teresa is just a mouthpiece for the Vatican."
After 9/11 Hitchens scrubbed away the last residues of his leftist ways and became an ardent neo-con supporter of George Bush's War on Terror, which for Hitchens is really a War on Islam. In fact, as a committed atheist he has extended his own personal battle to a War on Religion in general, with a special virulence in his heart reserved for Catholicism, a virulence he shares with his
confrere Dawkins.
He's certainly one of the most visible of the militant "New Atheists" and is often seen on the circuit debating theists and
Christian apologists such as Dinesh D'Souza. In the UK last year,
Intelligence Squared hosted a debate on the proposition "The Catholic Church is a force for good in the world." Hitchens was teamed up with the actor David Fry against Anne Widdecombe MP and Archbishop John Onaiyekan of Abuja, Nigeria. The Catholic side got massacred. When they polled their audience, Intelligence Squared said they had never seen such a lopsided result. If you can bear it, you can watch it
here. It was a debacle.
Hitchens is a formidable and polished debater, quite capable of eviscerating his opponents with his enyclopedic knowledge of history and his sharp, keenly poisonous dry wit. My daughter T and I almost went to see him
debate Rabbi David Wolpe when he was in Boston a few weeks back, but Anne had to work that night and we needed to stay home.
One thing I've noticed about Hitchens, though. When he debates someone he's not above using cheap tricks and he doesn't always fight fair. This was brought home to me quite clearly when I saw him in a
Bloggingheads.TV discussion with the author Robert Wright. Wright is not a theist. He writes about evolutionary psychology and non-zero sum game theory, yet Hitchens argued with him as if he
was a theist anyway. It appears to be the only thing he knows how to do. He's like an old record player that can run at only one speed.
Still, I'm amazed by his glibness and his command of the language. Despite the fact that he's clearly got a buzz on, fencing adroitly with Wright while he imbibes from a glass of red wine - his pupils dilated as large as dinner plates - he manages to talk all around Wright, even when he's on the defensive.
I'd like you to see these clips and let me know what you think. In a
2-hour discussion, Wright and Hitchens were discussing Hitchens' book
God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Wright was pressing him on just what he meant by
everything, pointing out that religion often motivates people to do great good; people like Martin Luther King whose religion had motivated him to pursue justice in the Civil Rights struggle. Watch how Hitches responds...